We are all storytellers. We accumulate experiences as we revolve around the sun, unique to us, different from those of the many who've experienced the same, because of our own idiosyncrasies. And these experiences, most worthy of being shared unfiltered, and some masked as valuable life lessons, are the ones that we eventually share with our grandchildren, our lineage in our twilight, because at the end of it all, all we are, are a treasure trove of stories - a conglomeration of ideas, thoughts, experiences and learnings, all to be readily heard and absorbed by the curious little minds with their eyes wide, and ears perked, in awe of it all, from their vantage point of limited experience of the world; stories that will inspire them through their impressionable years. Irrespective of your storytelling skills, your audience is guaranteed. We all have those memories listening to stories of our parents and grandparents of their life before us and this phenomenan is universal. Everything else - your body, thoughts - are all transient, temporal. All that remains at the end are our stories. Given that all we are, are raconteurs, would you like your story to be one of worry, strife and uncertainty, or rather a life of unabated happiness and adventure? Of having settled somewhere permanently, a story of safe uniformity and limited exposure, or would you rather travel the world, not settling, accumulating experiences, exploring, widening your perspective, adding chapters to your story, and stories to your book, for, the more you travel, the more you know, and the more you know, the more you travel.
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