Thoughts howled, as they often do, in asynchronous, random, baritones of vague furore like wildfires do in the heat of dry summer; Despite the disparity of these thoughts in their origin, intent and intensity, they clamoured in deep unison however, to wage chaos leveraging the ruminations of the past, through the feelings of the present and the dreams of the future. The ensemble of this unexpected upheaval of calm, that stemmed from the embers of disillusioned nothingness, waned in it's execution, for it dwelled in the temporal, the immediate and the already gone. In time, the steady light of reason, the clarity of calm, the happiness of existence - the omnipresent - slowly engulfed the rustling flames of these wavering thoughts, stifling them under a heavy sheath of calming peace, just like the mighty sands of time. The thoughts vanished leaving embers, smoldering, hoping to be rekindled eventually. The sand, we must realize, is a traveler and has an urge to move to the next seeker, to dampen the next deluge of chaos or just to move for no reason for it must by nature. And in this unstoppable movement of the sands as they embark on their perennial, infinitesimal journey, sparks flicker, ironically, between the same particles of calm, fueling the now almost hopeless embers of disillusioned thought, previously littled to almost a wisp of smoke, that slowly rise back up from under the calm, been lended a new lease of life, rekindling one thought after another in a rampant surge of urgency, as they wage mayhem again, hoping against hope for the calming sands to not return. Oh, but the sands return as they always do. And this cycle continues from one instant to the other, in a constant pattern, as predictable as the weather in the more stable climes of the Earth. Lasting peace however resides not in this cycle of chaos and calm, but in the continual, and that can only be achieved where this sand dwells in abundance, where innate movement of the minority at any given time does not impact the might of the united whole of this calm, peace and understanding. They are plentiful in the deep interiors of the hot desert or in the bottom of the deepest oceans, where existence is difficult, but not entirely unachievable, for the staunch and determined.
Conversations between me, I and myself.