When you see your reflection, what do you see? Your face, your eyes, your pupil? Let's keep magnifying, until your naked eyes can't see further. What's there now?
Cells, nucleus? Let's keep going further and further. What now? Some very tiny something that maybe we can't (or more importantly shouldn't) define, because if we define it, I am sure we can divide it further.
The "power stuff", the same tiny something that we are all made of, just joined in different permutations and combinations to create the unique us or even dogs, trees, shoes, cars or whatever else around us. This tiny thing is it living or non-living? Can't say? Also to say, could you have been me and I you or a tree or a dog? Maybe?
Now if we zoom out? What do we get? Back to eyes, face, body, room, building, space, country, Earth, solar system, Milky way, Universe and beyond. Again, undefined and unexplainable, because if we try to define it, there is definitely more you can zoom out to. So great is the choreography of this system from it's smallest thing to the biggest just striving to keep itself alive in the most fluid and natural way.
So to the question, where and what are you? And are we really in control? Or at this moment just tiny specks in this beautiful dance, equally relevant and irrelevant, different and indifferent at different levels just to keep the show going?